Although it's still two days until the official republishing of my first novel, I'm obsessively early for everything (yes, I'm the one napping in the car outside my kids' school because I got there forty minutes before pick-up time - and because naps are awesome). Also, it's a holiday for us on Tuesday and I won't be "electronically inclined." So I wanted to take this moment to give a huge shout-out to everyone who helped me and my book-baby get to this point.
First (always, always first) is my husband, Jon, who had nothing but encouragement for me when I confessed that I wanted to close my business and try my hand at a writing career. He's been an amazing cheerleader (without the pompoms) every day since: giving me the time to write, helping me plot storylines, and reading every word with enthusiasm. I seriously couldn't do this without him. He's also the funniest person I know.
My mom, Sheryl, who has the craftiest mind of anyone I've ever known (she looks innocent, folks, but that's how she gets away with stuff). She's been the best sounding board and brainstormer I could ever hope to have, has read the book so many times she could probably quote it by heart, and willingly travelled New Mexico roads that were waaaaaaay less travelled, helping me search for Spaceguard. And yes, we found it. Well, kind of. We found armed guards with big guns, but not before we saw the domes of the GEODSS telescopes.
Writing can be a lonely profession, folks. Days can go by without coming up for food, air, or a shower. But I won the Writer Buddy Lottery when I met the amazing women with whom I formed the WorldWiseWriters. Each of them is completely brilliant, hilarious, and generous with their time and opinions. Before them, I didn't even know what I didn't know - I just knew I didn't know it. So huge, awesomesauce loves and smooches to Ace (Andrea Domanski) Jenelle (JD Faulkner) Swifty (Hannah Sullivan), Ro (Rowanna Green), and our medieval goddess Jacky Gray. Love you all!
I am so unbelievably honoured to be a part of the Thomas & Mercer family. They do things differently, and it's awesome. Despite being an imprint of Amazon Publishing, they have the feel of an author-centric, small-time publishing house. Their authors might be among the happiest out there, because the people at T&M really and truly care about and respect their authors. So the hugest, HUGEST thank you to Kjersti Egerdahl, T&M's Acquisitions Editor. She not only found, read, and liked The Faithful enough to want to republish it, she has been with me through every step: explaining, advising, and guiding me through the publishing process (and never telling me I was being a dummy, even when I know I was). I also want to send out oodles of gratitude to the editors who worked on the book: Tegan Tigani, Rachel Moorhead, Dave Valencia and Nick Allison. I'm super grateful to Jacque Ben-Zekry, T&M's Marketing Manager, for all she's done and will be doing to help my book-baby soar; to Tiffany Pokorny and Sarah Shaw, the Author Relations Managers and hand-holders; and Mike Morris and Patrick Magee for also answering questions without making me feel like a dummy. Thank you, Thomas & Mercer! I'm having the best time!
And finally, (but seriously never never last), I wanted to thank everyone who read the old, less "together" version of The Faithful, everyone who took the time to write a review, everyone who encouraged me with a kind word or a thoughtful critique - and of course, all the (hopefully millions! ;) ) of future readers. While I started off writing this book for my own entertainment, there comes a point where a writer has to let the words go out into the world to stand or falter on their own. So this is me, letting them go ... with love.
xo SM
My Jailbird Husband
Soda Creek Road, Idaho Springs, Colorado.
The Gates of the White Sands Missile Range
The Road Less Travelled