You may have noticed this plan for a for monthly blog or newsletter has gone sadly awry.
Truth is, there hasn’t been much to report until now. I’ve been working on the third book in The Faithful series and two standalone suspense novels, but sometimes life—and by life I mean my children—gets in the way.
We pulled our daughter from Kindergarten in November and I threw myself into homeschooling. Because hey, I’ve got those teacher skills (nope) and it will be a piece of cake (double nope)For the record, teachers are underappreciated heroes, and I bow to their greatness for all eternity. Thankfully, we’ve found a better fit for school this fall, and she’s ready to tackle new adventures. And much as I enjoyed this time with her, so am I. 
So, back to writing and full steam ahead.
In July, I attended Thrillerfest in New York. I was honoured to speak on a panel about writing cops into fiction, but the highlights were a day spent honing my craft with Steve Berry, and the terror that is Pitchfest.
Ever done speed dating? Pitchfest is speed dating with agents. And yes, one usually gets an agent before they get a publisher, but backwards is my middle name.
The writing business is subjective and ever changing. Finding the right agent felt like Mission: Impossible. After dozens of emails, ten agents had requested the manuscript and I was (impatiently) waiting for word. But nothing beats meeting someone in person. 
During Pitchfest I met seven someones, which netted seven requests for the manuscript. Of those, I think five weren’t just being polite. I sensed I’d just met my agent, but I had no clue who it was.
Then came the offers. It’s strange to go from trying to grab someone’s—anyone’s—attention, to sifting through multiple offers. It’s humbling, it’s exciting, and it’s actually really stressful. Because they were all great choices, but who was the best fit for me? After questions and research and way too much coffee, it required a leap of faith.
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve signed with Kim Lionetti at BookEnds Literary Agency. She is amazing, and BookEnds feels like a great fit for both my professional goals and personal values. 
Soon the new manuscripts will make their way to publishers' desks, and hopefully find a happy home. <3
Wishing you a beautiful rest of the summer, until we meet again. 
Shoshona xo


With my Author Relations Manager Sarah Shaw at the Thomas & Mercer rooftop cocktail party (and the amazing view of the Empire State Building!), with dear friends Hannah Sullivan (editor & author) and Andrea Domanski (author) exploring New York, and with Tanya Eby, narrator extraordinaire of both The Faithful and Impact Winter.  

George RR Martin, a panel with (L-R) Lee Child, Robert Dugoni, Peter James, Lynda LaPlante & Karin Slaughter, Lee Child interviews Megan Abbot, and the lineup forms for Pitchfest. 
